
Saturday Mar 28, 2020
Beastlore Episode 13: The History of Witches
Saturday Mar 28, 2020
Saturday Mar 28, 2020
For this 13th episode of Beastlore, host Jack Daly will be talking about the history of witchcraft. We’ll journey to Ancient Greece and plunge into the mythic witches of old, dispel the misconception that witchcraft occurred in the middle ages, and take a look at the age of witch trials. We’ll talk about witches in Shakespeare, learn about the history of Gerald Gardner and Wicca, and finish off by looking at the curious case of witchcraft in Newfoundland. Grab your broom, find your familiar, and settle in for another fascinating episode of Beastlore.

Monday Mar 16, 2020
Beastlore Episode 12: Legends of Logan, Utah
Monday Mar 16, 2020
Monday Mar 16, 2020
Episode 12 of Beastlore is about the local legends of Logan, Utah. Host Jack Daly takes a listener on a journey to some of Logan's haunted locations, including a Catholic retreat in Logan Canyon that is reputed to be host to ghosts, a witch and demon dogs. A pancake joint haunted by a ghost cat, a crying statue, a theatre home to a slain Hamlet actor, as well as sorority and fraternity legends are also discussed. Enjoy another fantastic episode of Beastlore!

Friday Feb 14, 2020
Béaloideas Anois: Folklore Now-Episode 16
Friday Feb 14, 2020
Friday Feb 14, 2020
In this episode I have chosen to go into the folklore of California. Seeing as that is my state of origin there are a lot more things that I know about it and a lot more aspects of folklore that I feel ought to be drawn upon. This episode will emphasize northern California with the areas around Mt. Diablo (a mountain I know very well growing up) and the Napa Valley wine country.

Friday Feb 07, 2020
Beastlore Episode 11: Sleep Paralysis and the Old Hag
Friday Feb 07, 2020
Friday Feb 07, 2020
Episode 11 of Beastlore is all about the Old Hag tradition. "Hagging" is an experience when an individual goes into sleep paralysis and is met with terrifying visions, often in the form of shadow creatures. Host Jack Daly talks about his experiences with the Old Hag, and offers some reassuring messages for people who have also had this happen, which is reportedly a shocking 15% of the population. Turn on the lights and settle in for another shocking episode of Beastlore!

Saturday Feb 01, 2020
Béaloideas Anois: Folklore Now-Episode 15
Saturday Feb 01, 2020
Saturday Feb 01, 2020
This episode delves into the concept of folklore and landscape, dealing with historical events in the British Isles like stories of King Arthur and the Romans in Wales.

Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
The Backup CD Episode 7 - Fake News
Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
Wednesday Jan 22, 2020
Welcome back to the Backup CD! We're a group of students who have lots of different interests and wanted to share our conversations with you! Every week your hosts: Clint Bisbee, Carter Harrison, and Dillan Passmore come together to discuss a random topic!
This week we talk about Fake News. What it is and it's impacts, we finish the episode with doing onion or not onion!
Next week we're talking about: The Trade War!
The BackUp CD is a part of the Aggie Radio Podcast Network
Twitter: @backup_cd

Sunday Dec 22, 2019
Béaloideas Anois: Folklore Now-Episode 14
Sunday Dec 22, 2019
Sunday Dec 22, 2019
This is the 14th episode of my podcast where I discuss many aspects of the folklore of Maryland. This is the third episode where I chose a specific state in the US to cover the various folk traditions.

Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
The Backup CD Episode 6 - Star Wars
Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
Wednesday Dec 18, 2019
Welcome back to The Backup CD! We're a group of students who have lots of different interests and wanted to share our conversations with you! Every week your hosts: Clint Bisbee, Carter Harrison, and Dillan Passmore come together to discuss a random topic!
This week we talk about the epic film franchise: Star Wars! We are all very eager for the release of Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker and had a blast talking about this awesome film series. We talk about everything from our favorites, to cannon, and enduring conflicts among fans! We hope you enjoy!
We will be taking a two week break for the holiday season! We are very grateful to our awesome listeners and can't wait to be back in your ears Wednesday January 8, 2020! If you have any suggestions for topics for us to discuss please reach out to us on twitter @backup_cd we would love to hear from you! Have a great and merry Christmas!
The BackUp CD is a part of the Aggie Radio Podcast Network
Twitter: @backup_cd

Wednesday Dec 11, 2019
The Backup CD Episode 5 - Video Games
Wednesday Dec 11, 2019
Wednesday Dec 11, 2019
Welcome back to The Backup CD! We're a group of students who have lots of different interests and wanted to share our conversations with you! Every week your hosts: Clint Bisbee, Carter Harrison, and Dillan Passmore come together to discuss a random topic!
This week we were going to talk about Canada, but due to some scheduling conflicts with our good friend we changed our topic to: video games! We talked about why they're so popular, some of our favorites and did a bracket challenge to determine the greatest video game of all time! Hope you enjoy!
Next Week: Star Wars!
The BackUp CD is a part of the Aggie Radio Podcast Network
Twitter: @backup_cd

Friday Dec 06, 2019
The Backup CD Episode 4 - Dystopian Literature
Friday Dec 06, 2019
Friday Dec 06, 2019
Welcome back to The Backup CD! We're a group of students who have lots of different interests and wanted to share our conversations with you! Every week your hosts: Clint Bisbee, Carter Harrison, and Dillan Passmore come together to discuss a random topic!
In this episode we talk about Dystopian Literature, it's impacts, themes, and some of our favorites!
Next Week: We're talking about Canada!
The BackUp CD is a part of the Aggie Radio Podcast Network
Twitter: @backup_cd