
Friday Feb 03, 2017
Friday Feb 03, 2017
Amir Malakooti, an Iranian-Aggie, debates USU Republican, Keaton Smoot, about the #travelban.

Tuesday Jan 31, 2017
The Woke Report - Ep 7 - World Battleship Champion
Tuesday Jan 31, 2017
Tuesday Jan 31, 2017
Music: bensound.com
Find us on Twitter

Wednesday Jan 25, 2017
The Woke Report - Ep 6 - A New Planet?
Wednesday Jan 25, 2017
Wednesday Jan 25, 2017
Dr. Spoons and Dr. Forks discover a planet fitting the description of Jupiter in the location of Jupiter.
Music: bensound.com
Find us on Twitter: @wokereport @ethanchadwick15 @evanhall62

Tuesday Jan 24, 2017
Harper's Index Favorites of 2016
Tuesday Jan 24, 2017
Tuesday Jan 24, 2017
Harper’s Index is filled with mind-blowing statistics.
Harper’s Index is produced by Mikey Kettinger.

Friday Jan 20, 2017
Chewing the Fat Episode 5: Trump in Agriculture
Friday Jan 20, 2017
Friday Jan 20, 2017
We are back! sorry for the little break we took after Thanksgiving, but this episode is YUGE! We thought it would be fitting to discuss the new president's policies on agriculture since his inauguration took place today. The 7 topics were covered in an article published on AGWeb from the Farm Journal back in November. Lend your ear as we discuss possible advantages and disadvantages for the farmer and consumer.

Wednesday Jan 18, 2017
The Woke Report - Ep 5 - Snow Castles in the Snow
Wednesday Jan 18, 2017
Wednesday Jan 18, 2017
music: bensound.com Find us on twitter @wokereport @ethanchadwick15 @evanhall62

Tuesday Jan 17, 2017
The Evan Hall Show - Ep 9 - The Second Amendment
Tuesday Jan 17, 2017
Tuesday Jan 17, 2017
Find us on Twitter @evanhallshow @evanhall62 @ethanchadwick15

Friday Jan 13, 2017
Friday Jan 13, 2017
What the freak is up with all of this crazy weather? State climatologist, Robert Gilles, answers that question.
The short answer: meh.
Tune in for the long answer.

Friday Jan 13, 2017
Aggie Morning Word Podcast: Friday the 13th and National Skeptics Day
Friday Jan 13, 2017
Friday Jan 13, 2017
This day in history: Pope Honorius II recognized the famous Knights Templar as an army of God in 1128. The original mission of the group was to protect Christian pilgrims on their way to the Holy Land during the Crusades. It was a small group at first, containing only nine members. What did it take to become a part of the Knight’s Templar? You had to be of noble birth and take strict vows of poverty, obedience and chastity. Despite these vows of poverty, when the crusades ended in the 14th century, the order had become extremely wealthy due to many gifts from rich Christians. This lead to King Philip IV of France and Pope Clement V to take down the order. Leading templars were eventually burned at the stake after being tortured into confessing to heresy, sacrilege and Satanism.
Yesterday, the Justice Department's internal watchdog said it's going to investigate how the FBI handled its investigation into Clinton's emails.
Obama ended a policy called "Wet foot, dry foot" that allowed Cuban immigrants automatic residency for showing up on U.S. soil. Critics of the policy claimed it gave preferential treatment to Cubans seeking residency.
After nearly eight years of an uncontroversial family life, the Obamas screwed it up with only five days left in office. Sunny, the Obama family dog, bit an 18-year-old guest leaving a gash on her face.
Tune in on Monday for a special Martin Luther King Jr. show.

Wednesday Jan 11, 2017
The Woke Report - Ep 4 - Oxygen Linked to Cancer?
Wednesday Jan 11, 2017
Wednesday Jan 11, 2017
Music courtesy of bensound.com
Find us on Twitter @wokereport @ethanchadwick15 @evanhall62