
Thursday Dec 15, 2016
Library of Mysteries (American Aristocracy)
Thursday Dec 15, 2016
Thursday Dec 15, 2016
This is a podcast diving into the realm of the most influtential families in America and what that means to the United States. Included is the Count and helpful insights into student life.

Thursday Dec 15, 2016
Femme and Fortune 4: Women in Sports and Broadcasting
Thursday Dec 15, 2016
Thursday Dec 15, 2016
Women in sports and broadcasting face sexism on a whole new level. Hear stories from college sports writers at Utah State University, Paige Cavaness and Miranda Webb.
Produced by Miranda Webb

Thursday Dec 15, 2016
Nerd Lecture Hour #4: Lin Man-the Man-Manmanda
Thursday Dec 15, 2016
Thursday Dec 15, 2016
Join Dane and Ali as they bask in the radiant glory that is Lin Manuel Miranda's career, past and present and future, with Name of the Wind the latest to be added to LinManMunMancha's pocket of wonders and joy. Also featuring a super-mega-sode of Freddard Coyle: Private Wizard! The stunning conclusion to the "Privy To Some" Arc! Featuring guest star Matt Abosamra! Also featuring the music of MusicByPedro (Freddard Coyle main theme), Ken MacLeod (Other music in Freddard Coyle), and Visager (Nerd Lecture Hour main theme). Look up some of these guys' other work, it's worth a minute or twenty.

Tuesday Dec 13, 2016
Femme and Fortune 3: Rape Culture and Objectification-Christy Stephan
Tuesday Dec 13, 2016
Tuesday Dec 13, 2016
We need feminism because catcalling, sexist comments and rape culture are still happening today. Hear college students, Christy Stephan and Miranda Webb explain why sexist comments and rape "jokes" are not funny, as they share their own experiences.
Produced by Miranda Webb

Tuesday Dec 13, 2016
Femme and Fortune 2: Objectification- Savanna Jonson
Tuesday Dec 13, 2016
Tuesday Dec 13, 2016
Objectification is a major issue in the world of feminism. Hear real stories from freshman college students, Miranda Webb and Savanna Johnson.
Produced by Miranda Webb

Friday Dec 09, 2016
Aggie Morning Word Podcast: Bioluminescent Beer
Friday Dec 09, 2016
Friday Dec 09, 2016
Today is national pastry day.
The U.S. government is on the verge of a shutdown. Again. The government shuts down on saturday if the senate doesn't put more money in the piggy bank. Nothing like a little bipartisan holiday cheer. (TheSkimm.)
Trump taps Andrew Puzder, CEO of the Carl's Jr. Fast-food franchise, to be secretary of labor; Cathy Mcmorris Rodgers for Interior Secretary; and former baseball player Bobby Valentine to be Ambassador to Japan.
Senate minority leader Harry Reid is retiring.
Karl Rove is fact-checking Trump’s figures about what Frump calls “$4 billion” Boeing contract. Rove says the contract is actually around $170 million dollars.
Yesterday, the first American to orbit Earth, John Glenn, died at age 95. Glenn's historic flight happened back in the early 60s, at a time when space travel was still a shiny new thing.
Wanna fight mate? That’s one one man asked a kangaroo during a hunting trip to save his dog in Australia! Basically, the kangaroo had no idea what just happened when he was decked in the face.

Wednesday Dec 07, 2016
Aggie Morning Word Podcast: Bulb Bandit
Wednesday Dec 07, 2016
Wednesday Dec 07, 2016
A bulb bandit is on the loose in Seattle. A squirrel is getting in the holiday spirit by stealing Christmas lights and burying them all over the neighborhood.
Today is the 75th anniversary of the Japanese bombing of pearl Harbor.
German chancellor, Angela Merkel, is under fire for wanting to ban full-face veils worn by some Muslim women.
A month ago, a video went viral of people giving the Nazi salute in response to a speech that the leader of the Alt-Right movement delivered. Now, that same leader is back on the road and spreading his message about repression of the middle class. He says most don’t understand the context of those Nazi salutes.
Time Warner CEO, Jeff Bewkes, says the "Real threat" to the first amendment did = not = come from president-elect donald trump during the campaign, but rather from the democratic party.
Trump says he wants to 'cancel' on two new Air Force One planes that cost $4 billion each.

Monday Dec 05, 2016
Harper’s Index December 2016
Monday Dec 05, 2016
Monday Dec 05, 2016
Harper's Index is filled with mind-blowing statistics.
Harper's Index is produced by Mikey Kettinger.

Monday Dec 05, 2016
Evan Hall Show- Ep. 4 - Liberal Banana Guy
Monday Dec 05, 2016
Monday Dec 05, 2016
Find us on Twitter @evanhall62 @ethanchadwick15

Monday Dec 05, 2016
Aggie Morning Word Podcast: Don't eat yellow snow, it might have GMOs in it
Monday Dec 05, 2016
Monday Dec 05, 2016
The death toll of a fire at the warehouse-turned-arts-space, the “Ghost Ship,” has reached 36, and will most likely continue to rise as investigators continue their search of the area in Oakland California.
On Friday, President-elect Donald Trump chatted with Taiwanese president Tsai Ing-wen. Which is crazy because because no US president has taken a phone call from Taiwan's prez in almost 40 years.
Donald Trump is considering Ben Carson to head up Housing and Urban Development and former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman for Secretary of State.
The Dakota Access Pipeline is officially a no-go near Standing Rock in North Dakota. The US Army Corps of Engineers said the Dakota Access Pipeline can't be built near the reservation. It's looking into "alternative routes." This all comes a little more than a month before President-elect Donald Trump moves into the White House…. and he's a big supporter of the pipeline… so it may not be the last you hear of this.