
Wednesday Nov 16, 2016
Aggie Morning Word Podcast: National Fast Food Day
Wednesday Nov 16, 2016
Wednesday Nov 16, 2016
On today's show:
The word of the day is “sedulous,” which means persevering; eager and thorough.
Today’s holiday is National Fast Food day. Though it’s a slam in the face because just yesterday Taco Bell decided to re-brand as a dine-in restaurant. They want to compete with Chipotle. #longlivetacobell #no
Trump’s team and the Democratic party are shaking up their leadership positions. Republicans re-nominated Paul Ryan for House Speaker. It’s awkward because he and Trump don’t get along.
Also, Dems decided to postpone nominating a minority leader. Until now, it’s been Nancy Pelosi. But with last week’s election upset, that’s yet to be determined.
#flotus, AKA Michelle Obama, is upset that an immigrant is taking over her job. (JK… I saw that on a meme and I thought that was funny.)
50 USU students stood in solidarity with #blacklivesmatter last night near Old Main.
Also, USU’s Flannel Friday is in full swing. Aggies don their greatest nicest flannel to indicate to people that they’re single…. and ready to mingle….
A new animated short shows Robo-Trump who destroys a mariachi band.

Tuesday Nov 15, 2016
Aggie Morning Word Podcast: Ranting About NAFTA
Tuesday Nov 15, 2016
Tuesday Nov 15, 2016
Sorry for the serious title, but this is some serious business. In todays episode we continue our 4-year mission to give you Trump coverage including his request for secret clearence for his children, cabinet decisions, and his inexplicable hate for NAFTA.
The Aggie Morning Word Podcast is morning news, the modern way. #MorningShow Thanks for listening.

Monday Nov 14, 2016
Monday Nov 14, 2016
The word of the day is "collywobbles," which means stomach pain or queasiness.
Today is national spicy guacamole day and world diabetes day.
No, that guy you met that one time at the party that you accidentally friended on Facebook hasn’t passed away. A glitch in the system has caused regular Facebook pages to briefly turn into memorials. (YUP, that’s a thing!) The glitch even affected Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg’s account, this coming after he has received a lot of criticism over fake news stories popping up on people’s walls, including a story about the Pope supporting Trump! Zuckerberg has said the majority of news stories on Facebook are the real deal, but the company is also working on making it easier to flag and reduce fake news. (Source: theSkimm and nbcnews)
Emails obtained by the Salt Lake Tribune reveal that USU officials knew that Jason Relopez may have sexually abused multiple students. They appeared uncertain on how they would handle the allegations, even though the title IX law requires a university to launch an investigation if there is the possibility an individual has assaulted multiple students, even without a formal complaint. According to the emails, university officials talked with Relopez about consent, blocked him from a “greek” event, and warned him he was on their radar. It was only after Morgan Klinkowski, who claims that she was raped in 2014 by relopez, heard that he had allegedly raped another student did she file a report to the police. It was only after the police report and his arrest that the university suspended Relopez.
In other news, USU students protested Wells Fargo on Friday on Main Street in Logan. Protesters say Wells Fargo has ties to the Dakota Access Pipeline in North Dakota. (If built, that pipeline could infringe on native american land.) At the protest in Logan, Trump supporters showed up to protest the protesters. (protester-ception!!)
Police allege a USU student is attempting to film a woman at the Cache Valley Mall in a store called Bliss in August. Officials say the case may be related to another allegation of voyeurism on campus. Police say he’s 20-years-old, six-feet tall, and 180 pounds. If you know any information related to the case, contact the police.
Check out the full episodes at AggieRadio.com or on iTunes. You can also join us weekdays from8:30-9:20 a.m. on KBLU 92.3.

Friday Nov 11, 2016
The Evan Hall Show - President Obama, You're Fired
Friday Nov 11, 2016
Friday Nov 11, 2016
@evanhall62, @ethanchadwick15
We're doing an election and reaction show with lots of zest and fervor.

Friday Nov 11, 2016
Friday Nov 11, 2016
This week's episode was a bit of an open rant because TRUMP. Hosts Darren Bingaham and JD Herndon, along with producer Alyssa Roberts, discussed the ins and outs of what went wrong this election cycle, why Trump is bad for the environment (clean coal, anyone?). Somehow the conversation turned to Vladimir Nabokov's studies of butterfly genitalia and, inevitably, whale sex. Hop along for the ride because this episode – just like this week – was a total trip.

Wednesday Nov 09, 2016
Chewing the Fat: Commercial Layer and Egg Production
Wednesday Nov 09, 2016
Wednesday Nov 09, 2016
Be Aware: Bad chicken and egg puns every couple of minutes. Modern production and consumption of chickens and eggs. Where and how "Layers" are taken care of. We hope that we paint the picture of what a commercial layer farm may look like, but don't hesitate to take a tour for yourself! Also be sure to listen to the whole podcast because the end offers some tips for anyone who wants to start raising chickens in their backyard! Replace your cats with them! P.S. Shout out to MAX for this idea! Lastly Chickens do a lot then just lay eggs... they eat bugs too, and poop.

Tuesday Nov 08, 2016
Aggie Morning Word Podcast: Michael Winslow! Where are you now?
Tuesday Nov 08, 2016
Tuesday Nov 08, 2016
Today's show was all about the impending election-doom, and quirky news of a 'mysterious ping' discovered in the arctic.
Hosts today: Cat. St. Claire, Peter LaBarge, and Alyssa Roberts

Monday Nov 07, 2016
LIbrary of Mysteries (paranormal) 11.7.2016
Monday Nov 07, 2016
Monday Nov 07, 2016
This show dives into investigative journalists, and reviews the 3rd party system in politics. Also included is the top ten most haunted areas of the White House.

Monday Nov 07, 2016
Aggie Morning Word Podcast: Trump is grounded from his own Twitter account
Monday Nov 07, 2016
Monday Nov 07, 2016
Your word of the day is "auriferous" (aw-rif-uh-russ), which means containing gold.
A 5.0 earthquake rocked Cushing, Oklahoma, on Sunday. Scientists say it’s due to fracking in the Midwest.
Today is the last day to vote-by-mail. You can turn in your ballots at any mail box or on the TSC third floor. If you use Twitter or Facebook and use the #usuvote, the university could win the campus cup. USU is in second place right behind Dixie State. (Come on Aggies!) But if you procrastinate and forget to vote by mail, you can vote at the Cache County Clerk’s office, which is on Main Street in Logan.
As it stands, Hillary Clinton has a slight lead in the presidential race. Speaking of Hillary, FBI director James says Hills won’t be charged for the most recent email leak. As it turns out, most of the 650,000 discovered emails turned out to be duplicates.
Trump's officials grounded him from using his own twitter. President Obama LOL saying, "If someone can't handle a Twitter account, they can't handle the nuclear codes.”
Utah Democrats hold a slight advantage in early voting, though most Utah voters haven’t turned in their ballots.
Tune in tomorrow night to hear the Aggie Morning Word’s "End of the World" special broadcast tomorrow night. We'll bring you live election updates, comments, cat fights, and crazy Aggie action from political science guru. Also, we'll play a lot of punk and apocalyptic music. The show starts at 8 p.m.
Tune in, it’ll be a blast.
Thanks for listening to the aggie morning word podcast wrapup. Check out the full episodes at Aggie Radio.com or join us live on Weekdays from 8:30-9:30 a.m. KBLU 92.3 FM or on iTunes.

Thursday Nov 03, 2016
EnviroPod Episode 1: Bishop Land Grab, DAPL
Thursday Nov 03, 2016
Thursday Nov 03, 2016
In this week's episode, host Darren Bingham discusses Congressman Rob Bishop's proposed Ute land grab and the Dakota Access Pipeline. We cover issues locally and statewide.
Producers Brandon Childs and Alyssa Roberts are featured in this podcast.